True Nature Healing Gardens

The Peace Garden is a living example of what’s possible when people come to the table, together, to create something beautiful, healing, and for community well-being. Design and construction of the gardens unfolded over time, from 2012-2020. When the project began, it was impossible to have predicted the final iteration of the garden: the extents of the site changed and expanded; desired program needs and amenities shifted; the project team evolved; and the site itself revealed new directions and design intents.

Phase One of the garden included a yoga spiral, exquisitely crafted tadelakt couches, a fire pit, a medicine wheel, labyrinth, and one of a kind reflexology path. Phase two of the garden included a specially fabricated moongate, rooftop Zen garden, and event lawn.

Laura guided the landscape design process throughout, providing visioning, strategy for implementation, coordination with all of the different entities, and a calming presence to the team dynamic. this was a legacy project for Laura, an opportunity to work with a gifted team, gratified to participate in the project from idea generation to concept development, to witnessing the project installation, day by day. The project required an ability to flow, trusting in the process.

The team was led by visionary owners in Deva and Eaden Shantay, in collaboration with DHM Design, Basalt Mountain Gardens, and a host of other consultants and craftsman. Each member playing a critical role in the development of the project. The garden now flourishes through the careful attention of an amazing team of gardeners.


Waking the Seeds of Intention